SIR model using VFGEN
%%writefile sir_ode.vf
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<VectorField Name="sir_ode">
<Parameter Name="beta" DefaultValue="0.1" Description="Transmission parameter"/>
<Parameter Name="mu" DefaultValue="0.05" Description="Recovery rate"/>
<StateVariable Name="S" Formula="-beta*S*I" DefaultInitialCondition="0.99"/>
<StateVariable Name="I" Formula="beta*S*I-mu*I" DefaultInitialCondition="0.01"/>
<StateVariable Name="R" Formula="mu*I" DefaultInitialCondition="0.0"/>
Writing sir_ode.vf
!vfgen r:func sir_ode.vf
!cat sir_ode.R
# sir_ode.R
# R vector field functions for: sir_ode
# This file was generated by the program VFGEN, version: 2.6.0.dev0
# Generated on 9-Aug-2018 at 11:33
# sir_ode(t, state, parameters)
# The vector field function
sir_ode <- function(t, state, parameters) {
S <- state[1]
I <- state[2]
R <- state[3]
beta <- parameters[1]
mu <- parameters[2]
vf_ <- vector(len = 3)
vf_[1] = -I*beta*S;
vf_[2] = -I*mu+I*beta*S;
vf_[3] = I*mu;
# sir_ode_jac(t, state, parameters)
# The jacobian function
sir_ode_jac <- function(t, state, parameters) {
S <- state[1]
I <- state[2]
R <- state[3]
beta <- parameters[1]
mu <- parameters[2]
jac_ = matrix(nrow = 3, ncol = 3)
jac_[1,1] = -I*beta
jac_[1,2] = 0
jac_[1,3] = 0
jac_[2,1] = I*beta
jac_[2,2] = 0
jac_[2,3] = 0
jac_[3,1] = 0
jac_[3,2] = 0
jac_[3,3] = 0
%load_ext rpy2.ipython
The rpy2.ipython extension is already loaded. To reload it, use:
%reload_ext rpy2.ipython
parms <- c(beta=0.1,gamma=0.05)
init <- c(S=0.99,I=0.01,R=0)
times <- seq(0,200,length.out=2001)
sir_out <- ode(y = init,
times = times,
func = sir_ode,
parms = parms,
jactype = "fullusr",
jacfunc = sir_ode_jac,
atol = 1e-8, rtol = 1e-6)
sir_out_long <- melt(,"time")
ggplot(sir_out_long,aes(x=time, y=value, colour=variable, group=variable))+
# Add line
#Add labels